Course curriculum

  • 1

    Your Career Essentials - Career Development

    • EQ Matters!

    • The Importance of EQ in Your Job Search

    • Building Resilience into Your Job Search

    • Thinking Traps and Overcoming Them

    • Reflective Activity - Getting Started

    • Group Activity

    • EQ 101 Slides

    • Group Activity EQ 101

  • 2

    Navigating the Political Terrain: Effective Strategies for Building Political Awareness in the Workplace

    • Building Political Awareness Introduction

    • Surveying the Pollical Landscape

    • Cultural Capital: and The Power of Knowledge and Resources at Work

    • Six Strategies for Building Cultural Capital

    • The Karpman Drama and Compassion Triangles

    • What is Personality? The Big Five Personality Traits Model - OCEAN

    • Six Common Political Players in the Workplace: Recognizing and Responding to Them.

    • The Big Five Traits (OCEAN) Inventory

    • Breakout Activity

  • 3

    Career Catalyst: Mastering LinkedIn, Crafting Powerful Resumes, and Excelling in Job Interviews

    • Building Your Brand

    • Building Your Brand - Activity

    • Types of Resumes

    • Optimizing Your Resume

    • Creating a Powerful Professional Summary

    • Crafting Resume work Experience Section

    • LinkedIn 101 Part 1

    • LinkedIn 101 Part 2

    • Preparing the the Interview

    • Making Your Interview Answers SOAR

  • 4

    Future-Ready Careers: Navigating the AI Job Search Landscape with Confidence

    • The Increasing Role of AI in Your Job Search

    • AI Revolutionizing Job Hunting

    • Writing for the Bot: Mastering the ATS-ready Resume

    • Seven Tips for Applying for Jobs Online

    • Excel in AI Interviews

  • 5

    Strategic Career Exploration: Unveiling Opportunities in the Evolving Labour Market

    • Understanding the Labour Market: Five Societal Trends and How Job Seekers Can Thrive

    • Networking 101

    • The Contagion Effect - Six Career Pivots After Layoffs

    • Job Search After 50

    • Unleashing the Power of Informational Interviews

    • The Gig Economy

  • 6

    Career Alchemy: Unleashing Your Professional Desires and Shaping Your Path to Success

    • Career Panning is a Life Long Journey

    • Unlocking Potential in Career Transitions

    • Understanding Career Clusters

    • Working with Things - Building Careers

    • Career Testing Entrepreneurship Inventory